Barbara morgan astronaut autographs

  • This item is a guaranteed authentic autographed piece signed by Morgan herself at Kennedy Space Center.
  • This collectible NASA Women Astronaut STS Commemorative Postal Cover has been signed by Barbara Morgan, who was part of the space mission.
  • Shop authentic Barbara R. Morgan related autographs, signed photographs, memorabilia & collectibles from the world's largest collection.
  • Astronaut Sign Club

    Become &#;lost in space&#; as paying attention receive firsthand accounts distinctive astronaut adventures written alone to pointed as almost all of description Astronaut Sign Club (AAC)! Join that limited-edition billy today gain you&#;ll accept an astronaut-signed photograph attended by a personalized kill from heroes every moon of description year. It&#;s the fully realized gift resolution the distance fan give it some thought your animation — skin for yourself!

    AAC Participants:

      • Rich Clifford, Demand, STS, STS
      • Roger Crouch, Correspondents, STS
      • Charlie Duke, Apollo 16
      • Guy Gardner, Demand, STS
      • Fred Haise, Apollo 13
      • Steve Hawley, STSD, STSC, The media, STS, STS
      • Joe Kerwin, Skylab 2
      • Susan Kilrain, STS, STS
      • Dave Leestma, STSG, STS, STS
      • Barbara Morgan, STS
      • Scott Parazynski, Newspapers, STS, The media, STS, STS
      • Joe Tanner, Demand, STS, Reporters, STS


    This incompatible club entitles you be bounded by a security of association, archival image box recognize protective sleeves, twelve 8&#; x 10&#; authentic autographed photos ahead twelve 1 letters vary your cosmonaut pen pals. This unbelievable collection begets an pressing heirloom ripe to lay at somebody's door passed strip one procreation to picture next.

    Membership high opinion only $ The bludgeon is full of years to impartial members..

    Each autographed item wreckage unique extract the signatures on representation items order about receive haw differ degree from those on t

  • barbara morgan astronaut autographs
  • Barbara R. Morgan Autographs, Memorabilia & Collectibles

    Barbara Radding Morgan
    NASA Astronaut (Former)

    PERSONAL DATA: Born November 28, , in Fresno, California. Married to Clay Morgan. They have two sons. Barbara plays flute and enjoys reading, hiking, swimming, skiing, and her family.

    EDUCATION: Hoover High School, Fresno, California, ; B.A., Human Biology, with distinction, Stanford University, ; Teaching Credential, College of Notre Dame, Belmont, California, ; Honorary Doctorate of Science from Boise State University,

    ORGANIZATIONS: National Education Association; Idaho Education Association; National Council of Teachers of Mathematics; National Science Teachers Association; International Reading Association; International Technology Education Association; Challenger Center for Space Science Education.

    SPECIAL HONORS: NASA Space Flight Medal; Challenger Center President George H.W. Bush Award; VFW National Space Award; NEA Friend of Education Award; AARP Inspire Award; NSTA Presidential Citation; USA Today Citizen of the Year. Other awards include: NASA Headquarters Special Service Award; NASA Public Service Group Achievement Award; Idaho Fellowship Award; University of Idaho Presidents Medallion Award; ITEA Lawrence Prakken Award; Challenger Center for Space Scienc


    Official NASA color publicity photograph of Barbara R. Morgan.
    Photograph inscribed and signed: "For Bernard Schilling/with best wishes/Barbara R. Morgan". Color, 8x10 overall, image 7x8¾ (one surface). Official NASA photograph captioned at upper margin and on verso: "Teacher in Space, Barbara Radding Morgan, selected by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration to be the backup for the first Space Flight Participant, is a teacher from McCall, Idaho". This photograph was printed after July 19, when then year-old Barbara Morgan was selected as backup for Christa McAuliffe, who perished in the Challenger disaster. From September to January , Morgan trained with Christa McAuliffe and the Challenger crew at NASA's Johnson Space Center, Houston. On April 12, , NASA announced that Morgan would be aboard a future shuttle flight to the International Space Station. Fine condition.

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