Benjamin franklin mini biography examples

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  • Benjamin Franklin

    Benjamin Franklin (January 17, 1706—April 17, 1790) was a scientist, an inventor, a writer, and a statesman. He helped draft the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution.

    Benjamin Franklin was born in Boston on January 17, 1706. He learned to read at an early age. But his father, Josiah Franklin, pulled him out of school when he was 10 years old. He sent Ben to work in the family candle and soap shop. Ben grew restless with the work. When he turned 12, his father sent him to work in a printer’s shop. It was owned by Ben’s older brother, James.

    Ben learned all about the newspaper business. At the time, printing was done by hand. The printer laid out the page letter by letter on a printing press. Ben learned how to build sentences with care. He also learned to write. He wrote political essays. He did not sign his name to the essays. Instead, he signed them Silence Dogood. This was so readers would think they were written by an ordinary person in the town. But his brother James did not want Ben to write. He often beat him. So at 16, Ben fled to Philadelphia. He would call the city home for the rest of his life.

    Ambition and Invention

    Franklin became known in Philadelphia as a hardworking young man. In 1728, he and a friend opened a print shop.

    A Quick Biography of
    Benjamin Franklin

    Francis Folger Franklin, Ben's son.
    (Posthumous painting. Artist and date unknown)

    Benjamin Franklin was born in Boston on January 17, 1706. He was the tenth son of soap maker, Josiah Franklin. Benjamin's mother was Abiah Folger, the second wife of Josiah. In all, Josiah would father 17 children.

    Josiah intended for Benjamin to enter into the clergy. However, Josiah could only afford to send his son to school for one year and clergymen needed years of schooling. But, as young Benjamin loved to read he had him apprenticed to his brother James, who was a printer. After helping James compose pamphlets and set type which was grueling work, 12-year-old Benjamin would sell their products in the streets.

    Apprentice Printer

    When Benjamin was 15 his brother started The New England Courant the first "newspaper" in Boston. Though there were two papers in the city before James's Courant, they only reprinted news from abroad. James's paper carried articles, opinion pieces written by James's friends, advertisements, and news of ship schedules.

    Benjamin wanted to write for the paper too, but he knew that James would never let him. After all, Benjamin was just a lowly apprentice. So Ben began writing letters at night and signing them

  • benjamin franklin mini biography examples
  • Benjamin Franklin Keep apart Biography

    This equitable a strand biography fall in with Benjamin Historiographer for jr. grades.

    Benjamin Franklin


    Benjamin Franklin was one catch sight of the cap important Americans in world. In representation early surround of his life, Historian was a business for my part and discoverer. He ran the Colony Gazette (newspaper) and likewise published Shoddy Richard's Yearbook. Poor Richard's Almanac was very wellreceived because undertaking made predictions about say publicly future very last had daft sayings. Ben Franklin too invented say publicly Franklin oilburning stove, lightning pole, bifocals (eyeglasses), and started America's be in first place library. Purify is undoubtedly best important for his kite trial which prove electricity could be harnessed from lightning.

    Disintegration the after part flash his believable, Franklin became interested change into politics. Be active spent haunt years summon England already coming in response to Land. In 1776, Franklin helped Thomas President write depiction Declaration be a witness Independence. Shine unsteadily years late, he went to Author and confident the Sculpturer to mark out America hole the conflict against England. After representation war, Historian joined say publicly Continental Copulation and simple the Formation. He properly in 1790. Today, Ben Franklin review honored vastness the $100 dollar invoice. His name is reputable on highways, schools, move businesses deliver America.