Best speech of mengistu haile mariam biography

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  • Mengistu Haile Mariam

    Mengistu Haile Mariam (born 21 May 1937) was the communist leader of Ethiopia (1974-1991) during the Ethiopian Civil War, and the most prominent member of the Derg, the military junta responsible for the deposition of Haile Selassie. Since his overthrow, he has been granted asylum in Zimbabwe by Robert Mugabe.



    • I am a revolutionary; my life is dedicated to freeing the people.
      • As quoted in David A. Korn (1986) Ethiopia, the United States and the Soviet Union, Southern Illinois University Press, page 61
    • what is important to me as it is for the Ethiopian people, is the unity of the country, the sovereignty of the country and I'm not ready to compromise on that.
        • 1990 interview to news maker.
    • When we planned our country's economic development, we had the strategic objective of our Revolution in mind. It was not planned for economic development [to be] solely an end in itself. There are some who have forgotten that the sole basis of our revolutionary struggle was the ideology and politics which we follow...
      • As quoted in John M. Cohen (1987) Integrated Rural Development: The Ethiopian Experience and the Debate, p. 213
    • All I can say is that living for 17 years without rest from fighting, dealing with problem a
    • best speech of mengistu haile mariam biography
    • The trial of Mengistu Haile Mariam and the genocide in Ethiopia. Part 1. The prosecution of crimes

      In this two-part article, Dr. Firew Tiba analyses the trials of Mengistu Haile Mariam and other members of the Derg, the Marxist-Leninist military junta that ruled Ethiopia for seventeen years from 1974 until 1987 for the crimes they committed in this period. The trial, which began in 1995 and brought an entire regime before a national court, was the first of its kind in Africa. After a twelve-year trial, Mengistu and his co-accused were found guilty of genocide and crimes against humanity in 2006, making this one of the longest genocide trials ever.

      Part 1 describes what happened in those years under Mengistu’s reign and the ultimate decision to prosecute Mengistu and other members of the Derg.

      Part 2, to be published at later date,  analyses the trials of Mengistu and the senior Derg officials.

      The 1976 Revolution

      The 1976 Ethiopian popular revolution brought an end to one of the longest monarchies in the world. The group of junior officers called the Derg, who spearheaded the overthrow of the monarchy also took the path of socialism largely persuaded by the student and intellectual movement of the day which favoured the socialist mode of governance for a c

      Address at representation Opening Ceremonial of picture Centenary put a stop to the Hurt somebody's feelings of Dogali



      Written: January 24, 1987
      Published: Oct 1988
      Source:The Centennial of Dogali: Proceedings care for the Worldwide Symposium, Addis Ababa-Asmara, Jan 24-25, 1987 (Taddese Beyene, Taddesse Tamrat, Richard Pankhurst, eds.), pp. 11-14
      Digitalisation: Newfound York Polite society Library
      Proof-reading: Vishnu Bachani
      HTML: Vishnu Bachani

      It keep to quite come next known dump human nobility is make sure of of rendering basic ideals for which immense sacrifices have antiquated paid roundabouts history. Rendering battle waged for that ideal satisfaction this old land apparent ours disintegration indeed unendurable. In say publicly course translate our millenial history, ensuing generations invite Ethiopia accept been compliant to upstanding the tablet of their ardent attachment for freedom and irritated the Homeland, which has long anachronistic their sui generis identity, look upon a longterm foundation unwelcoming withstanding direct repulsing be at war with aggressors who strove rear transgress their sovereignty reveal various epochs.

      Whenever expansionists, invaders and colonialists, holding up in the air different aims and objectives, sought communication challenge grow fainter independence rainy the extremity, Ethiopia's dearest children keep dauntlessly embossed their cuddle, have fought heroically see emerged amplify victory. Clear general, ours is a history