Biography art historians in louisville ky

  • Kentucky artists painters
  • Famous kentucky artists
  • Summary: Covi, Chairman of the Fine Arts Department at the University of Lousiville, discusses his career as an art historian and his personal family history.
  • my Bio

    I was born and raised in Louisville, Kentucky. I left Louisville in the 90s to study English and Art History, first at Saint Louis University, and then at the University of Pittsburgh, but ultimately returned to my hometown for good. I live there now with my two teenage children and two senior rescue dogs.

    I have taught every conceivable art history course at several institutions of higher learning. Recently, I have carved out a niche as a freelance art historian, teaching virtual classes for Morbid Anatomy in Brooklyn, New York, and for Indiana University (Southeast and Kokomo campuses).  In addition, I have a free monthly talk series, Art History Illustrated, at the Cultural Arts Center (formerly the Carnegie Center for Art and History) in New Albany, Indiana.

    In , I graduated from the yoga teacher training program at Supreme Peace Yoga and Wellness in Louisville.  I am currently sharing my passion for the Hindu tradition and asana practice by teaching yoga for two different yoga studios in Louisville.  I am certified RYT by the Yoga Alliance.










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  • biography art historians in louisville ky

  • Full Name: Bier, Justus

    Gender: male

    Date Born:

    Date Died:

    Place Born: Nuremberg (also Nürnberg), Germany

    Place Died: Raleigh, Wake, NC, USA

    Home Country/ies: Germany


    Riemenschneider scholar, professor and director of the North Carolina Museum of Art. Bier grew up in a wealthy Nuremberg family. He attended the Humanistisches Gymnasium in that city. After graduation in , he fought in the first World War Between and Bier studied art history, archaeology, and medieval and modern history at the universities in Munich, Erlangen, Jena, Bonn and finally Zürich. His major professors were Paul Clemen and Heinrich Wölfflin. His dissertation, written under Wölfflin, was on the early work of his home town&#;s most famous artist, Tilman Riemenschneider. It was granted in and published the following year. Between Bier he began publishing his magisterial book on Riemenschneider while lecturing (Dozent) at the Volkschule. He also contributed articles on modern architecture. In he married the art historian Senta Dietzel (), whose brother was the gallery owner Max Dietzel, a sponsor of the Künstlergruppe Brücke shows and other modern art. From Bier was a curator of the Kestner Society and Museum in Hannover which mounted contemporary art exhibitions. Bier hi