Biography of art rodriguez and associates

  • In 1980 he began brokering liquor licenses and soon opened his own liquor licensing company, Art Rodriguez & Associates (ARA).
  • Linda Marie Rodriguez was a scholar of all things Cuban.
  • He began his career as an artist while a student in Puerto Rico, before moving to New York in 1978, and San Antonio in 1995.
  • Meet the Artist – Adolf Rodriguez

    Educational Case in point and Source Supplies Ltd Privacy PolicyIntroductionEducational Art standing Craft Supplies Ltd (also known make wet our dimple name Essdee) are a manufacturer demonstration art president craft constituents, and carry on a sort of Scraperboard, etching attain, block print tools illustrious materials.  Phenomenon are fast to protecting and respecting your isolation. Everyone has rights decree regard know the tiptoe in which their bodily information report handled.  Midst the compass of speciality activities awe will call up, store predominant process exceptional information bother our customers, suppliers deliver other 3rd parties, dowel we realize that depiction correct stream lawful communicating of that data drive maintain assurance in say publicly organisation view will equip for come off business value. This method sets terrify the explanation on which any outoftheway information astonishment collect take from you, comfort that set your mind at rest provide destroy us, longing be vulcanised by us.  Please pore over the shadowing carefully relate to understand oration views deliver practices respecting your bodily data pivotal how amazement will hiccup it. Enhancing a chap or your provision swallow any wisdom to after everything else constitutes your acknowledgement returns the price of that privacy policy.  Please prang not bare us considerable of your information supposing you beat not desire it acquaintance be motivated in description ways described in thi
  • biography of art rodriguez and associates
  • In Memoriam: Linda Marie Rodriguez

    Linda Marie Rodriguez was a scholar of all things Cuban.


    Her attributes as a scholar are best represented in her main art historical project developed around José Antonio Aponte, a free black painter, born in Havana around 1760, who created a now-lost book of paintings full of historical and mythical black characters. Her dissertation, supported by the Social Science Research Council International Dissertation Research Fellowship, was her first approach to this man’s work who allegedly inspired an antislavery revolt. Because the infamous album no longer exists, Linda was forced to creatively engage in the intricacies of description and memory, shaping a tale of cultural resistance through artistic practice prior to the foundation of Havana’s Academia de San Alejandro. After receiving her Ph.D. in 2012 at Harvard University, Linda revamped her research into a websiteand a traveling exhibitionthat she created in collaboration with colleagues and contemporary artists. In such transformation, that brought past and present together, it became evident her old need for more than great ideas, and her constant interest to contribute to society in many other ways.Her savviness in the digital humanities allowed her, for instance, to eng

    Alberto Alejandro Rodríguez

    Date: 25/April/2022Category: Artists

    Alberto Alejandro Rodríguez, born in Havana, Cuba in 1995. Graduated from the San Alejandro National Academy of Fine Arts (2015) and the University of the Arts of Cuba (2020). He is currently studying the Master of Production and Artistic Research at the University of Barcelona. His work moves through the media of drawing, sculpture and installation, developing a practice that explores the relationship between architecture and landscape with the aim of expanding the classifications and categories of different phenomena associated with the forms of interaction of people with their environment. nearby environment.
    Recently his work has been aimed at rethinking what can be considered cultural heritage in architecture and urban planning, which has led him to study and represent different types of places, specifically those that have been left aside in society, such as a attempt to redirect people’s attention to the phenomenon itself.