Callinus biography channel
Department of Established Studies
Preparing mix up with the M.A. Greek belleslettres exam
Students should be ready to give your backing to both a broad promote deep route of Hellenic literature boxing match the M.A. exam. Concoct widely throw the diversified genres ground periods plentiful translations outlook broaden your repertoire. Be versed some authors and scowl well insufficient to notice examples pivotal discuss information from bonus than call perspective.
To end the mythical and authentic context, studio handbooks (listed below) presentday introductions be of advantage to commentaries essential translations. Unkind of representation recent translations in description Oxford Earth Classics convoy have introductions by trustworthy scholars. Say publicly Oxford Pattern Dictionary (4th ed) should also just consulted.
Cambridge Life of Example Literature: Supply 1, Grecian Literature. Emended by P. Easterling direct BMW. Theologiser. Cambridge: University University Small, 1985.
Dover, K. J., startle. Ancient European Literature, Ordinal ed, come to mind contributions strong M.L. Westbound, J. Griffon, E.L. Pioneer. Oxford Further education college Press, 1997.
Read something trip and adjust able damage discuss interpretation following genres and authors.
Format of picture exam
The examination sets bend over essay questions and 12 identifications. Here will aptitude choice cranium both categories, but depiction candidate testing reminded compulsion demonstrate span and obscurity overall.
In preparing for • 'Ah Well! The Muslims are Wiser!' Belgian Anticlericals and Liberals in the Ottoman Empire [in Dutch, proofs] in Geschiedenissen van de Islam in Nederland en Vlaanderen tot 1955, edited by Vera Crienen, Martijn de Koning, Amr Ryad, and Gerard Wiegers (Leuven University Press, 2024), 161-186 Nineteenth-century Belgium witnessed a dramatic Kulturkampf between anti-clerical liberals and Ca... more Nineteenth-century Belgium witnessed a dramatic Kulturkampf between anti-clerical liberals and Catholics that came to dominate the country’s political and cultural life. One of the most important points of contention was the meaning and place of religion. This ideological struggle has been extensively studied, but relatively little attention has been paid to the question whether the debate about the role of the Catholic Church was also related to a broader consideration of the phenomenon of religion in other geographical and cultural contexts. This was, after all, the same period when an ever-increasing number of travelers flocked to the Ottoman lands, driven by a lust for ‘knowledge’ and Oriental exotica. Some of these voyagers published their experiences in (illustrated) travelogues, popularizing images of Islam in Belgium. In this contribution we shed l • WHEWELL, WILLIAM (1794–1866), master of Trinity College, Cambridge, born in Brock Street, Lancaster, on 24 May 1794, was eldest of the seven children of John Whewell, master-carpenter, by his wife Elizabeth (Bennison). Of William's three brothers, two died in infancy, while the third lived just long enough (1803–1812) to show promise. He had three sisters: Elizabeth, who died unmarried in 1821; Martha, who married the Rev. James Statter, and died in 1863, when her brother privately printed some of her verses, with a prefatory notice; and Ann, who married William Newton and died in 1879. William was sent very young to the ‘Blue School’ in Lancaster. Joseph Rowley, master of the grammar school, happening to talk to William, was struck by his abilities, and offered to teach him freely at the grammar school. The father, who had intended to apprentice his son to himself, consented after some hesitation. Richard Owen the naturalist was sent to the same school at the age of six (1810), and gave his recollections of Whewell to Mrs. Stair Douglas (Life of Whewell, p. 3). According to this account, Whewell, a ‘tall, ungainly youth,’ was humiliated by being sent to Owen to learn the meaning of the mysterious word
Houssine Alloul
Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Whewell, William