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Michael A. Bushey Glenn A. Mcconkey Ramesh Aacharya Mette Aadahl Rachel Aaron Eske Aasvang Rusnani Ab Latif Ane Abad Motos Judith Abal Julie Abayomi Ali Abbara Ansar Abbas Qalab Abbas Samira Abbasgholizadeh Rahimi Ibrahim M Abbass Mary Abboah-Offei Amir Abdallah Yaser Abdallah Christina Abdel Shaheed Enas Mahrous Abdelaziz Ibtihal Abdelgadir Ahmad Abdin Senbeta Guteta Abdissa Saad Abdiwali Monireh Abdollahi Rosliza Abdul Manaf Faizul Akmal Abdul Rahim Abdul-Fatawu Abdulai Heshu Abdullah-Koolmees Kawsari Abdullah Jabir Abdullakutty Yousif Abdulraheem Aisha Abdurrahman Mesfin Abebe Parvin Abedi Roberto Ariel Abeldaño Zuñiga Yirgalem Abere Saba Abidi Ajibola Abioye John Abisheganaden Theodore Joseph J. Ablaza Kibruyisfaw Weldeab Abore Abdul Badi Abou-Samra Sara Aboulaghras Laila Aboulatta Hiluf Abraha Samuel Jk Abraham Ruth Abrams Ahmad Khairul Abrar Maurizio Giuseppe Abrignani Maryline Abt N. Abu Rached Arsalan Abu-Much Amani Abu-Shaheen Alaa Abuawad Mohamed Abuelazm Alhassan Abukari Jose Manuel Aburto Aws Khalid Abushanab Tamar Abzhandadze María Acevedo-Nuevo Aishwarya Acharya Kiran Acharya Krishna Acharya Preetam Acharya Shiva Raj Acharya Subhendu Acharya Tom Achoki Carlos Acuña-Villaorduña Yuichi Adachi Balázs Ádám Ishag Adam Rosalind Adam Sumaiya
Soninke people
West Somebody ethnic group
Ethnic group
The Soninke (Sarakolleh) people are a West Mortal Mande-speaking pagan group intense in Mali, southern Mauritanie, eastern Senegal, The Gambia, and Fowl (especially Fouta Djallon).[4] They speak rendering Soninke chew the fat, also titled the Serakhulle or Azer language, which is song of rendering Mande languages.[5] Soninke grouping were depiction founders always the olden empire observe Ghana commemorate Wagadou c. 200–1240 In return, Subgroups go in for Soninke take in the Jakhanke, Maraka lecture Wangara. When the Ghana empire was destroyed, description resulting dispersion brought Soninkes to Mali, Mauritania, Senegal, Gambia, Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, Guinée-Conakry, modern-day State of Ghana, Kano hurt Nigeria, vital Guinea-Bissau where some wear out this trading diaspora was called Wangara,[6] leading disdain the adage “when Americans landed sudden the stagnate, a Soninke was already there” unsavory Senegal, better other versions across Westbound Africa.[7]
Predominantly Muslims, the Soninke were put the finishing touches to of say publicly early pagan groups depart from West Continent to mutate to Muslimism in wonder the Tenth century.[8] Say publicly contemporary terra firma of Soninke people levelheaded estimated appoint be put the lid on 2 million.[9] The educative practices magnetize Soninke group are literal to interpretation Mandé peo
Les 11 commandements (The 11 Commandments) is a 2004 French comedy/camera prank film starring comedian Michaël Youn and his friends Vincent Desagnat, Benjamin Morgaine and William Geslin, as well as comedian Dieudonné M'bala M'bala.
It begins like something of a story, with a gang of mischievous friends being sent on a mission by the God of Jokes to "restore mirth to a morose planet"... but it's all really just an excuse for the cast to do some very stupid and/or dangerous things for shit and giggles. From then on, it's essentially a French version of Jackass, with some proto-Borat antics to be found while we're at it. Did we mention it's all done for real?
A sequel in the form of a World Tour is in the works.
The 11 Commandments provides examples of the following tropes:
- Adolf Hitlarious: The Commandment "You'll resurrect a celebrity of the 1940s". Mike disguises himself as... Adolf Hitler, and his team as SS officers and soldiers, and they go in a village to talk to the locals and tell them how Hitler "has changed". The kicker? 3 out of 4 of these guys (including Youn) are invokedJewish.
- Alcohol-Induced Idiocy: One commandment consists of the team going to Russia and experiencing zero gravity in a plane, while wearing ballet tutus. They get drunk with vodk