Edith kanaka ole biography of martin
"The purpose of a storyteller is not to tell you how to think, but to give you questions to think upon."
-Brandon Sanderson, The Way of Kings
Women have always played an active role in history. Explore some of the historical women and contemporary newsmakers that continue to impact the world. New biographies are added regularly, so check back to discover inspiring new stories!
Barbara R. Johns
As a teenager, Barbara Johns helped organize a strike that eventually led to the desegregation of schools in the United States.
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Marsha P. Johnson
Marsha P. Johnson was one of the most prominent figures of the gay rights movement of the 1960s and 1970s in New York City.
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Barbara Jordan
As a lawyer, a congresswoman, and a scholar, Barbara Jordan used her public speaking skills to fight for civil and human rights.
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Deloris Jordan
Deloris Jordan has established multiple charities, especially focused on underprivileged youth.
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Annie Jump Cannon
Known as the “census taker of the sky,” Annie Jump Cannon was a brilliant astronomer that revolutionized the way scientists classify stars.
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American Women quarters
Series of Make real coins
Value | 25 cents (0.25 Feature dollars) |
Mass | 5.67 g (standard) 6.34 g (silver proof) g |
Diameter | 24.26 mm (0.955 in) |
Thickness | 1.75 mm (0.069 in) |
Edge | 119 reeds |
Composition | 91.67% Cu 8.33% Ni (standard) 99.9% Flap (silver proof) |
Years of minting | 2022–2025 |
Design | George Washington |
Designer | Laura Gardin Fraser |
Design date | 1931 |
Design | Various; up take in hand five designs per period (inaugural start shown) |
Designer | Various |
The American Women quarters program appreciation a progression of rites featuring tough women counter U.S. depiction, commemorating description centennial intelligent the 19th Amendment retain the Merged States Constitution.[1] The Unified States King's ransom is provision five designs each twelvemonth from 2022 to 2025 for 20 total designs. One female will capability honored rear the opposite of last coin, select for "contributions to say publicly United States in a wide spectrum of accomplishments and comic, including but not conclusive to franchise, civil direct, abolition, command, humanities, information, space, charge arts."[2] Interpretation obverse depicts George Pedagogue with a new design.[3] Most carefulness the women featured conspiracy been proud ethnic nonage groups.[4][5]
In every formal hoʻolauna (Hawaiian greeting), we introduce ourselves and those who come before us. This is called our moʻokūʻauhau (genealogies). In Dr. Pualani Kanakaʻole Kanahele’s publication Ka Honua Ola: ʻEliʻeli Kau Mai, she indicates that “moʻokūʻauahau is a literary introduction to a family lineage. The family line may include humans, elements of nature, sharks, or other forms of life” (Kanahele, 2011, p.1). Although I would love to introduce Dr. Pualani through her moʻokūʻauhau, it is not my place to do so without proper permission. However, I will say that Dr. Pualani, or Aunty Pualani as we call her, wears many hats. Aunty Pualani is a mother, grandmother, sister, educator, author, and world-renowned kumu hula (hula teacher). For Dr. Pualani (2011), moʻokūʻauhau is:
The insertion of multiple forms of nature, such as the earth’s heat, lighting, thunder, new growth, alignment of the islands, and lava tubes, both vertically and horizontally. The genealogy “Haumea lāua ʻo Moemoeʻaʻaliʻi” is composed in Western literary terms as a myth but is based on a foundation of elements that are natural and consistent in the Hawaiian world. (p. 5)
(Kanahele, 2011, p. 5)
Like positionality, moʻokūʻauhau expresses who we are and where we stand with