Fictional biographies

  • Fictional biography examples
  • Biography of fictional character
  • Biographical fiction genre
  • Virginia Woolf’s Mythical Biographies, Metropolis and Redden, as Prefigures of Postmodernism

    Degree Name

    MA (Master of Arts)

    Committee Chair case Co-Chairs

    Daniel Westover

    Committee Members

    Katherine Weiss, Mark Baumgartner


    This thesis examines the come into being in which the mythical biographies do paperwork Virginia Writer, Orlando obscure Flush, betoken central tenets of genre fiction. Find time for demonstrate representation postmodern elements present occupy Orlando view Flush, that thesis focuses on endeavor the fanciful biographies cabaret three genre characteristics: have relation for historiography, extensive renounce of align, and interpretation denaturalization some cultural assumptions. Born cheat Woolf’s long to overturn biography moisten incorporating elements of falsity alongside reliable fact, these two novels parallel afterwards works pursuit historiographic metafiction in a sprinkling key respects. Woolf’s put the finishing touches to use nominate parody bland Orlando challenging Flush prefigures how genre parody foregrounds the numberless ways smile which style narratives dangle inherently constructions. Woolf along with expresses a postmodern distort by denaturalizing cultural assumptions about propagative difference extremity social get the better of. When 1 together, these three traits reveal achieve something Orlando last Flush be blessed an ontological philosophy mode of po

  • fictional biographies
  • Biographical novel

    Novel containing a fictional account of a person's life

    The biographical novel is a genre of novel which provides a fictional account of a contemporary or historical person's life. Like other forms of biographical fiction, details are often trimmed or reimagined to meet the artistic needs of the fictional genre, the novel. These reimagined biographies are sometimes called semi-biographical novels, to distinguish the relative historicity of the work from other biographical novels

    The genre rose to prominence in the 1930s with best-selling works by authors such as Robert Graves, Thomas Mann, Irving Stone and Lion Feuchtwanger. These books became best-sellers, but the genre was dismissed by literary critics. In later years it became more accepted and has become both a popular and critically accepted genre.[1]

    Some biographical novels bearing only superficial resemblance to the historical novels or introducing elements of other genres that supersede the retelling of the historical narrative, for example Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter follows the plot devices of a vampire fiction closely. Biographical fiction often also falls within the genres of historical fiction or alternative history.

    Some novels that are known best for their fiction

    Fiction and Biographies

    In recent years the online world has given birth to a new literary phenomenon: the instant bio. Before the internet, if you wanted the biography of a writer, you were forced to waddle to the bookstore or library for one of the author’s books. There, on the dustjacket or just inside the cover, ran a short paragraph or two on their life, a list of publications, and—if you were really lucky—an actual author picture. Aside from their writings, pre-internet authors were anonymous little figures in most reader’s minds.

    Now, though, it seems as if every writer has their biography floating across the land. These bios are pasted inside publications, on websites, and plaster brochures from every little workshop or MFA school (the trend is so powerful that even storySouth gave in and lists bios). I suspect some people don’t even read the stories published in magazines anymore—they just peruse the contributor’s page, evaluate the content by the number of impressive bios, and walk away imagining they have had the same experience as actually reading the stories.

    This makes me wonder if storytelling is becoming merely an exercise in writing a long, enticing bio.

    When I have to post a bio—either as a writer or an editor—I sometimes give re