Fritz albert lippmann biography of martin luther
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Newspaper Clippings: President, James Luther.
Correspondence, Open and close the eye Clippings: Thespian Jr., Eric.
Correspondence, Publications: Comedienne, Phillip.
Correspondence, Publications: Amstutz, Jakob.
Correspondence: Anderes, Albert.
Correspondence: Ascher, F.I.
Correspondence: von Balthasar, H.U.
Correspondence: Balz, A.G.A.
Correspondence: Barnet, Elisabeth.
Correspondence: Barnett, J.D.
Correspondence: Barraud, Albert.
Correspondence: Theologiser, Heinrich.
Correspondence, Publication Clippings: Bärtschi, E.
Correspondence: Baruzzi, Arno.
Includes accomplish notes uninviting Marti association Barzun's paperback The Tutor in America.
Newspaper Clippings: Beatty, Joseph.
Correspondence: Beck, Lewis W.
Publications: Bell, Physiologist I.
Newspaper Clippings: Bernhard, Hermann R.
Correspondence: Bi
Friedrich Hayek
Austrian-British economist and philosopher (1899–1992)
Friedrich August von HayekCH FBA (HY-ək, German:[ˈfʁiːdʁɪçˈʔaʊɡʊstfɔnˈhaɪɛk]ⓘ; 8 May 1899 – 23 March 1992), often referred to by his initials F. A. Hayek, was an Austrian-born British academic who contributed to political economy, political philosophy and intellectual history.[4][5][6][7] Hayek shared the 1974 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences with Gunnar Myrdal for work on money and economic fluctuations, and the interdependence of economic, social and institutional phenomena.[8] His account of how prices communicate information is widely regarded as an important contribution to economics that led to him receiving the prize.[9][10][11] He was a major contributor to the Austrian school of economics.[12][13]
During his teenage years, Hayek fought in World War I. He later said this experience, coupled with his desire to help avoid the mistakes that led to the war, drew him into economics.[14][15] He earned doctoral degrees in law in 1921 and political studies in 1923 from the University of Vienna.[14][16] He subsequently lived and worked i
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