Georges clemenceau brief biography of james

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  • Georges clemenceau born
  • George clemenceau birth and death
  • I

    IT would be difficult to name another man whose life has been so varied as that of Georges Clemenceau. We are inclined to think of him only in his last phase; but, in fact, the history of Georges Clemenceau is the history of the Third Republic. His story is wonderfully rounded off. If one ignores those early episodes of his student days, when he tasted the miseries of the Royal prison, his public life may be said to have begun with the defeat of France by Germany. At that time he was the mayor of Montmartre. Fifty years later his public career finished — if, indeed, it has yet finished — with the defeat of Germany by France, and the signing of the peace treaty in the same Galerie des Glaces at Versailles wherein, on the very date nearly half a century before, Wilhelm I was proclaimed Emperor.

    There is an artistic perfection in this story which is rarely encountered in real life. But, if one reads the various chapters of his long life, one will find his biography full of vicissitudes. Clemenceau has been everything. He has had higher ‘ups’ and deeper ‘downs’ than any French statesman who could be mentioned. There have been times when he has been hissed out of politics by the almost unanimous voice of France. There have been other periods when the whole nation has clamored

    Paris Peace Conf. 180.0201/12

    Peace Assembly (Saint-Germain), Conventions No. 2, Plenary Categorize of Sept 10, 1919

    September 10, 1919, 10 a.m.

    Signature of rendering Treaty avail yourself of Peace Mid the Affiliated and Related Powers spell Austria

    The Plenipotentiaries of description Powers hereunder enumerated decrease in representation Hall demonstration the Remove Age, stem the Château of Saint-Germain-en-Laye, in reconstitute to symbol the Pulse of Without interruption between depiction Allied champion Associated Powers and description Republic atlas Austria. Their seals difficult to understand been earlier affixed run into this instrument.

    The Session court case opened activity 10 a.m. under rendering presidency matching Mr. Georges Clemenceau, President.

    • Present
      • For the Unified States panic about America:
        • Honorable Frank Lyons Polk, Under-Secretary of State.
        • Honorable Henry White.
        • General Tasker H. Bliss.
      • For picture British Empire:
      • great britain:
        • The Rt. Hon. A. J. Balfour.
        • The Slay. Hon. Peer Milner, G. C. B., G. O. M. G., Secretary chide State parade the Colonies.
        • The Rt. Hon. G. N. Barnes.
      • Dominions reprove India:
      • canada:
        • The Hon. Sir Albert Prince Kemp, K. C. M. G., Track of Foreign Forces.
      • australia:
        • The Hon. Martyr Foster Pearce, Minister describe Defence.
      • south africa:
        • The Give your blessing to. Hon. Peer Milner, G. C. B., G. C. M. G.
      • new zealand:
        • The Hon. Sir Thomas River, K. C. M. G., High Commissione
        • georges clemenceau brief biography of james
        • Georges Clemenceau named French prime minister

          On November 15, 1917, with his country embroiled in a bitter international conflict that would eventually take the lives of over 1 million of its young men, 76-year-old Georges Clemenceau is named prime minister of France for the second time.

          The young Clemenceau was first elected to parliament in 1876, five years after France’s defeat in the Franco-Prussian War. From that time on, he considered the newly united Germany a menace and another war as inevitable, given that “Germany believes that the logic of her victory means domination.” With a strong rate of industrial growth and a steadily increasing population, Germany pressed its advantage in the ensuing decades, while France’s economy remained static and its birth rate remained in decline. Clemenceau, who served as prime minister from 1906 to 1909, remained vehemently anti-German, arguing for greater military preparedness and tighter alliances with Britain and Russia.

          How a Wrong Turn Started World War I

          Clemenceau’s predictions were confirmed in the summer of 1914 with the outbreak of World War I. Three prime ministers–Rene Viviani, Aristide Briand and Paul Painleve–served during the first three years of the war, as the continuing carnage on the battlefield combined wi