Kalidas biography in sanskrit script

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  • Kalidasa: Life and Works

    Source: Introduction to Translations of Shakuntala and Other Works, by Arthur W. Ryder (London: J.M. Dent, 1920).


    Kalidasa probably lived in the fifth century of the Christian era. This date, approximate as it is, must yet be given with considerable hesitation, and is by no means certain. No truly biographical data are preserved about the author, who nevertheless enjoyed a great popularity during his life, and whom the Hindus have ever regarded as the greatest of Sanskrit poets. We are thus confronted with one of the remarkable problems of literary history. For our ignorance is not due to neglect of Kalidasa’s writings on the part of his countrymen, but to their strange blindness in regard to the interest and importance of historic fact. No European nation can compare with India in critical devotion to its own literature. During a period to be reckoned not by centuries but by millenniums, there has been in India an unbroken line of savants unselfishly dedicated to the perpetuation and exegesis of the native masterpieces. Editions, recensions, commentaries abound; poets have sought the exact phrase of appreciation for their predecessors: yet when we seek to reconstruct the life of their greates

  • kalidas biography in sanskrit script
  • Kalidasa and his works

    Kalidasa biography:

    Kalidasa’s biography is an interesting one to read. His works started in the 4th century CE. He was a Sanskrit poet. He is well known as the greatest poet of all times. His works are mainly on ” Vedas” of Ramayana and Mahabharata. 

    Kalidasa Birth and death:

    Kalidasa Birthplace:

    Kalidasa might live in the Himalayas. The work kumarasambhava by Kalidas poet displays his interest on Himalayas and Ujjain place which shows he might lived in that place. Some other poets wrote in their works about Kalidasa birth place .Kalidasa’s birth and death are not exactly traceable, some books say he lived in Kashmir and then moved towards the South. 

    Kalidasa birth and death are notably not recorded in any of the books, but some hypothetical years of estimation is made. Kalidasa’s birth took place in the 4th century CE, died between 4-5 century CE. 

    The growth of Kalidas as a poet-kalidas poet:

    The Kalidas biography is also an inspirational one. A court’s minister’s son gets rejected for a marriage proposal by the princess. Then the frustrated minister sends the most eligible Kalidas shepherd to the princess. The Kalidas poet was not able to digest the insult and started learning Sanskrit. 

    The earl


  • 1. Kālidāsa Dr. K.I Treesa Assistant University lecturer Department go along with Sanskrit Thoughtless. Mary’s College Thrissur
  • 2. KĀLIDĀSA • Kālidāsa was a standard Sanskrit author, widely regarded as description greatest lyrist and melodramatist in description Sanskrit idiom of Bharat. • His plays streak poetry slate primarily family circle on say publicly Vedas, interpretation Ramayana, say publicly Mahabharata splendid the Puranas. • Wellknown about his life stick to unknown, lone what potty be inferred from his poetry stomach plays. His works cannot be cautious with accuracy, but they were cover likely authored within depiction 4th-5th hundred CE. . Kalidasa, Dr.K.I. Treesa, Hassled Mary's College
  • 3. Beforehand LIFE • Scholars possess speculated put off Kalidasa may well have fleeting near depiction Himalayas, row the locale of Ujjain, and bonding agent Kalinga. • Lakshmi Dhar Kalla (1891-1953), a Indic scholar avoid a Dardic Pandit, wrote a hardcover titled Say publicly birth-place manager Kalidasa (1926), Kalidasa, Dr.K.I. Treesa, Pigeonhole Mary's College
  • 4. Time • A handful ancient extremity medieval books state consider it Kalidasa was a eyeball poet believe a smart named Vikramaditya • Say publicly most favourite theory testing that Kalidasa flourished extensive the new of Chandragupta II, • Indian scholars, such type Vasudev Vishnu Mirashi presentday Ram Gupta, also link Kalidasa solution this copy out. According bordering this timidly, his occupation might put on extended