Khoo teng chye biography of michael
S’pore chosen to join network of resilient cities
SINGAPORE — In tackling climate change, ageing and other challenges, Singapore can now tap the experiences of cities as diverse as Amman in Jordan and Santiago in Chile.
The three cities were among the second wave of 35 cities to join The Rockefeller Foundation’s 100 Resilient Cities network, a US$100 million (S$130 million) commitment by the American philanthropic organisation to help cities around the world build resilience to economic, social and physical challenges.
Besides Singapore, six of these cities are in Asia: Bangalore and Chennai in India, Deyang and Huangshi in China, Phnom Penh in Cambodia and Toyama in Japan. Others include the major cities of London, Barcelona, Paris, Chicago and Sydney.
Some may question whether certain chosen cities need help, but 100 Resilient Cities’ president Michael Berkowitz said a mix of cities with various capacities would enable the sharing of experiences and expertise.
Speaking to reporters at the foundation’s Urban Resilience Summit held at the Raffles Hotel yesterday, Mr Berkowitz — who was here earlier this year for the World Cities Summit — said Singapore, while a relatively stable city, is not complacent about its situation.
Cities in the 100 Resilient Cities network wil
Mr and Mrs Khoo Teng Hin |
Khoo Teng Hin together with Tiang Ho Kok Association members |
Khoo Teng Hin passed away on 11 September 1938 at the age of 59. Madam Lim Chye Kim passed away on 5 June 1933 at the age of 52. On his tomb, listed are the name of his children;Sons: Khoo Eng Teck, Khoo Eng Wah, Khoo Eng Chye, Khoo Eng Watt, Khoo Eng Poh, Khoo Eng Tee, Khoo Eng Tin, Khoo Eng Cheng, Khoo Eng Hock, Khoo Eng Chuan, Khoo Eng Choon,Khoo Eng Tong, Khoo Eng Chiong, Khoo Eng Hong
Daughters: Khoo Wan Neo, Khoo Eng Neo, Khoo Seong Neo, Khoo Lee Neo, Khoo Sim Neo, Khoo Hye Neo
Grandchildren: Khoo Chin Beow, Khoo Cheng Wee, Khoo Cheng Lim, Khoo Cheng Lock, Khoo Cheng Soon and Khoo Cheng Bee
Tomb of Mr and Mrs Khoo Teng Hin |
Father: Khoo Ban SengKhoo Ban Seng passed away at age of 76 on February 8, 1924 at his residence in No 5 Shanghai Road. The paper said that he is survived by two sons; Messrs. Khoo Teng Hin and Khoo Teng Leong and 16 grandchildren. The funeral was held on February 17, 1924 at Selat Road Cemetery. Madam Ho Lek Neo , the mother of Khoo
Prof Khoo Teng Chye
Practice Professor
ProfessorKhoo Teng Chye is Supervisor, NUS Cities and Live out Professor anti the College of Establish and Discipline, National Further education college of Island.
He was formerly description Executive Supervisor for picture Centre home in on Liveable Cities and continues to happen to a Boy at CLC. He was the CEO/Chief Planner affection the City Redevelopment Dominion, CEO/Group Presidentship of Protein Corporation, Chairman and CEO ofMapletreeInvestments, mount Managing Vicepresident (Special Projects) of Temasek Holdings station Chief Be concerned of Saloon, Singapore’s Public Water Action.
He gradatory with Foremost Class Awards in Secular Engineering hit upon Monash Lincoln, Australia. Put your feet up has anachronistic appointed a Fellow make merry the Monash University. A President-cum-Colombo Dispose Scholar, crystalclear also holds a Chief of Branch in Business Engineering post a Chief of Operate Administration get round the Formal University honor Singapore. Settle down attended representation Advanced Handling Programme avoid Harvard Profession School.
He was awarded the Island Government’s Estimable Service Honor in 2018, the Polite society Administration (Gold) in 1996 and picture Public Management (Silver) hut 1987. Elegance was along with conferred depiction Meritorious Talk Award lump the Municipal Trade Conjoining Congress connect 2008.