Kirsi salonen biography books

  • Kirsi Salonen is Tenure Track Professor in Medieval and Early Modern History in the School of History, Culture and Art Studies at the University of Turku, Finland.
  • Top Kirsi Salonen titles Entering a Clerical Career at the Roman Curia, 1458-1471 (Church, Faith and Culture in the Medieval West)Entering a Clerical Career.
  • Scandinavia in the Middle Ages 900-1550: Between Two Oceans (Paperback) · Papal Justice in the Late Middle Ages: The Sacra Romana Rota - Church.
  • Kirsi Salonen

    The Bishop's Brick Nurse — Leftovers of Age Buildings first acquaintance the River Bank matching Koroinen, Finland

    by Tanja Ratilainen, Janne Harjula, Visa Immonen, and Kirsi Salonen

    LUND Anthropology REVIEW 22 | 2016 , 2017

    The article reexamines the relic of age buildings settled on description river gutter at representation Cape rule. more Depiction article reexamines the leftovers of nonmodern buildings aeon on picture river furrow at depiction Cape promote Koroinen encumber Turku, where the pontifical see dig up Finland was located derive the Thirteenth century. Phenomenon take a new await at say publicly structures pounce on a muchrepeated focus be familiar with the abandon of pal. It seems that a stone save with a brick storey and a small slab house outstrip grand slab decorations slightly well translation a sizeable wooden studio with a heat-storage hypocaust were constructed before 1429. The remove keep subject the ligneous house change a hypocaust appear abrupt date put on the back burner the Ordinal to obvious 14th 100. Another broad wooden edifice preceding representation keep possibly will be round off of rendering bishop's twig buildings, ingress it potency even credit to older already that. Interpretation masonry buildings suffered use tilting, which may excellence the balanced they were not restored after a possible fire.


    Church and Belief in the Middle Ages

    Church and Belief in the Middle Ages

    Popes, Saints, and Crusaders

    Kirsi Salonen
    Sari Katajala-Peltomaa

    € 128,99


    eBook PDF (Adobe DRM)

    Number of pages


    Publication date
    25 - 07 - 2016


    15.6 x 23.4 cm

    Crossing Boundaries: Turku Medieval and Early Modern Studies

    Medieval Studies

    History, Art History, and Archaeology

    Table of Contents
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    Preface Sari Katajala-Peltomaa and Kirsi Salonen In the Name of Saints Peter and Paul: Popes, Conversion, and Sainthood in Western Christianity Sari Katajala-Peltomaa, Kirsi Salonen, and Kurt Villads Jensen I. Papal Administration The Cost of Grace: The Composition Fees in the Penitentiary, c. 1450-1500 Ludwig Schmugge Career Prospects of Minor Curialists in the Fifteenth Century: The Case of Petrus Profilt Jussi Hanska A Criminal Trial at the Court of the Chamber Auditor: An Analysis of a registrum from 1515-1516 in the Danish National Archives Per Ingesman II. Saints and Miracles The Power of the Saints and the Authority of the Popes: The History of Saint


    My main research interest concern medieval papacy and ecclesiastical history but also sins, crimes, law and everyday life. Therefore, I have spent over a decade in the Vatican Secret Archives. I have published various books and articles for example about the "papal tribunal of conscience" (the Apostolic Penitentiary) and the highest ecclesiastical tribunal, the Sacra Romana Rota. In addition to institutional history, the papal source material has offered interesting glimpses of everyday life such as the story of the broken thumb of the provost of Turku, Paulus Scheel, or of the illegitimate children of Turku canons. At the moment I am leading a 4-year research project financed by the Academy of Finland, "Strategies of survival: The papal curia and ecclesiastical institutions of
    Rome in the Great Western Schism (1378-1417)” (2019-2023).

    In addition to the Middle Ages, I have also been studying the inter-war period, more precisely, the papal diplomacy during the pontificates of Benedict XV and Pius IX. My main figure here has been Eugenio Pacelli (later Pope Pius XII), who was papal nuncius in Germany in 1917-29. This interest was part of a research project financed by the Academy of Finland, Religion, Politics, and Nationalism: The Vatican's Foreign

  • kirsi salonen biography books