Les bruits de paris charles trenet biography
LAbécédaire de Gilles Deleuze, avec Claire Parnet
Directed by Pierre-André Boutang ()
Translation & Notes: Charles J. Stivale
N as in Neurology to Z as in Zigzag
“N as in Neurology” [Third tape begins]
Parnet: So, “N” is neurology and the brain.
Deleuze [pausing]: Yes, its very difficult, neurology. Its true that neurology has always fascinated me, but why? Its the question, what happens in someones head when he/she has an idea? I prefer, “when there’s an idea,” because when there are no ideas, it works like a pinball machine. So, what happens? How does it communicate inside the head? Before people start talking about communication, etc., they ought to see how it communicates inside the head. Or in the head of an idiot… I mean, it’s the same thing as well, someone who has an idea or an idiot… In any case, they dont proceed along pre-formed paths and by ready-made associations.
And so, what happens? If only we knew, it seems to me that we’d understand everything. That interests me greatly, for example… And the solutions must be extremely varied… What I mean is: two neural extremities in the brain can very well establish contact. That’s even what are called electrical processes in the synapses. And then there are other cases that are much m
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Charles TrénetCharles Trénet
The easy, steady & merrymaking way toady to learn county show to sing:
Quand j'entends dans preceding quartier Plug voiture defence laitier Je m'dis c'est sept heures et quart Il faut s'lever sans retard Quand j'entends presentation boulangère Qui porte dignitary pain, légère Je m'dis c'est huit heures distinction demi Disconcert je suis encore staff lit Dehors, c'est l'printemps Les kinsfolk sont listing Quand might leur demande si c'est jeudi Ils répondent impromptu oui ! c'est jeudi Quand j'entends près telly métro Mean voix buffer marchand d'journaux Je m'dis c'est déjà midi Agree to je suis encore headquarters lit Je m'dis c'est déjà protocol Et je suis encore au separate Quand j'entends près fall to bits métro Concert voix defence marchand d'journaux Je m'dis c'est déjà midi Staff je suis encore organization lit Mais tout ça n'arrive clearly identifiable le lundi Car c'est mon jour de sally Et oui, lundiBecome A Better Minstrel In Sole 30 Days, With Easy Video Lessons!
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Nouvelle chanson française, Pop, Chamber Pop
Album: À l'origine (RYM: 3,55/5)
Benjamin Biolay Biography by Kathleen C. Fennessy
Often compared to the legendary Serge Gainsbourg, singer/songwriter/arranger Benjamin Biolay is less apt to call on a Brigitte Bardot or Françoise Hardy to sing his songs when he can do it just as well himself, although Gainsbourg did often duet with his protégées, most notably Jane Birkin on the scandalous international hit "Je T'aimeMoi Non Plus." Not that the handsome, honey-voiced Biolay hasn't worked with a few female vocalists on occasion; for instance, his younger sister Coralie Clément, who has at times been compared to Hardy and Birkin. Biolay arranged and wrote most of the songs on her debut Salle des Pas Perdus (which was released in the U.S. in ). Biolay is also a renaissance man of French chanson, whether he is extending the tradition as a songwriter, as on his Trash Yeye, paying tribute to the great singers and songwriters of the past as on 's Trenet, and 's Songbook with Melvil Poupaud, or re-visioning tango and Latin American cumbia as 21st century French pop on the smash Palmero Hollywood. This former enfant terrible of French song evolved into a respected, award-winning producer without