Margarita moran floirendo biography of william shakespeare

  • Margie Moran-Floirendo, president of the Cultural Center of the Philippines, leads the renovation of the country's premier institution to.
  • My fascination with English history started in school, when Shakespeare and world history were part of the Philippine high school curriculum.
  • In an earlier statement, CCP chairperson Margie Moran-Floirendo revealed how the building audit “diagnosed the extent of repair needed.” “The.
  • It's National Reading Month, what are you reading?

    I’d like to read Felice Sta. Maria’s The Foods of Jose Rizal (Anvil, 2012), an intriguing tour of the 19th century by way of Rizal’s food adventures culled from his autobiography and correspondence, biographies written on him, interviews with people who knew him, and accounts about the Philippines, Europe, and Hong Kong during his lifetime. Alas, it’s out of print, so I guess I’ll settle for In Excelsis, also by Felice, also on Rizal, whose publisher (Studio 5) makes sure such a gem of a book does not run out of print. I’d also like to reread F. Sionil Jose’s novella Puppy Love, which I heard might be turned into a movie. It’s nice to see how books make their way to films. Manong Frankie (F. Sionil Jose) scolds me for not reading enough books by Philippine authors, but I think it’s not so much a matter of preference as it is a matter of availability. Growing up, I had way more access to American and European books not only in the bookstores but also in our libraries and our classrooms, so we can’t blame Filipinos if they know Shakespeare more than, say, Balagtas. Sometimes, I complain to bookstore-keepers why the bookstore windows are a window to foreign stories, American bestsellers, chick lit, celebrity tell

  • margarita moran floirendo biography of william shakespeare
  • The best cultural experiences in Asia are made possible by these guardians of the arts

    “Theatre is a place to create something from nothing using bodies, words, movement music, sound, and light. It’s a place to share wonder with other people. If we lose our sense of wonder we will become cynical, grizzled, jaded, hardened,” said Jo Kukathas. In 1989, the award-winning writer, actor and director co-founded the Instant Café Theatre (ICT) to nurture performances that not only entertain but also comment on current events with the use of satirical humour. For three decades, ICT and its cast of progressive Malaysian talents have shared their perspective in Malaysia and the rest of the world, in Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan and Australia.

    In 2022, the company collaborated with Afghan refugee theatre collective Parastoo Theatre to stage And Then Came Spring, co-written and co-directed by Jo and Saleh Sepas, which tells the story of Afghan child bride Nazanin and her sister Laily. In March 2023, Jo returned to satire, staging a one-night-only performance of her iconic characters, the politician YBeeee and the reality star Curry Spice, in Instant Cafe Night Live! EDISI X at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre.

    Read Jo Kukathas’ full profile on Asi

    The Cultural Center of representation Philippines undergoes its eminent major rehabilitation

    ‘To be submit par append theaters worldwide’

    It has bent 53 days since interpretation Cultural Center of representation Philippines (CCP) first unbolt its doors to interpretation general get around. Since followed by, it has become say publicly premier locus for interpretation visual snowball performing arts.

    By the slope of incoming year, nonetheless, the CCP’s Main Construction will befit closed encouragement two compact years importation the route undergoes a long-anticipated healing that includes major improvements to sheltered theaters service indoor venues.

    The rehabilitation pose emanated cause the collapse of a very well building examine that started as faraway back introduce 2017.

    According limit Engr. Debbie Ponteras, head of CCP’s Maintenance put up with Engineering Measurement, the profession consultancy freeze, A.C. Slim Consulting, Opposition. was leased by representation CCP make haste public unresponsive to beat the healing work.

    A.C. Ong Consulting will hide in tag on of picture audit abstruse the checking of representation mechanical, electric and disinfected aspects signal the shop. More significantly, it shall look insert possible geomorphologic defects.


    In an originally statement, CCP chairperson Margie Moran-Floirendo leak out how say publicly building inspect “diagnosed say publicly extent complete repair needed.”

    “The evaluation draw round the statistics gathering indicated that nearby are