Michael pupin biography

  • Pupin columbia
  • Michael pupin radiology
  • What did mihajlo pupin invent
  • Michael I. Pupin

    Death date
    Associated organizations
    Columbia University
    Fields of study
    Idvor, Banat, Serbia
    IRE Medal of Honor, AIEE Edison Medal, Pulitzer Prize

    President of IRE

    President of AIEE

    Michael I. Pupin, IRE President, 1917, AIEE President, 1925- 1926, taught mathematical physics at Columbia University. He also studied wave propagation, and applied his findings to long distance telephony experiments and research.


    Michael Idvarsky Pupin was born on 4 October 1858 in the village of Idvor, Banat, now part of Serbia. In his youth, he served as a shepherd. His parents were illiterate, but Pupin was educated at the local school in Idvor. His education progressed in Panchevo and then Prague. In 1874, with the support of his parents but with very little money, he immigrated to New York.

    Like many poor immigrants, Pupin found that his early experiences in the United States were not easy. He drove mules, worked on farms, and was employed by a cracker factory while he learned English and saved what money he could. Making use of the resources of the Cooper Union in his spare time, he qualified for entrance to Columbia College in 1879 by passing the entrance exam with high honors. He graduated from Colu

     Michael Idvorsky Pupin (1858-1935)

     Immigrant – Professor – Inventor  

     Pulitzer Prize Winning Author


     Michael Cummings Kelly

    Mihajlo Pupin came a long way from his humble, beginnings in the village of Idvor, in what is  now Serbia, to summering at his sumptuous estate on the west side of Norfolk, CT – having  become a world-renowned inventor and 1924 winner of the Pulitzer Prize in Letters.

    Born on October 9, 1858 to illiterate peasants, Pupin spent his boyhood summers in the hilly  pasturelands around Idvor as a herder safeguarding livestock from nighttime Rumanian thieves.  During long nights tending to the herds, he observed that sticking his long, wood-handled knife  into the ground and pronging it, created subterranean vibrations that enabled him to locate from  afar, the location of roaming livestock. Pupin realized that sound vibrations carried farther if the  ground was hard; and thereby got his first tantalizing inkling of the invention that twenty-five  years later would make his name and fortune in the United States.

    Though she couldn’t read or write, Pupin’s mother, Olimpijada, sent him to an advanced school  in a neighboring villag

  • michael pupin biography
  • From Immigrant make a distinction Inventor

    June 20, 2022
    Pupinova autobiografija „Sa pašnjaka do naučenjaka“ predstavlja zaostavštinu čitavom ljudskom rodu. Ona je proslava ljudske skromnosti, učenosti i rodoljubivosti, koja na slojevit, a opet tako pristupačan način prikazuje crtice surmise jednog posve kratkog, a opet tako dugačkog života.

    Svoju pripovest, Mihajlo Pupin započinje kao „grinhorn“, anegdotom o svom prvom iskrcavanju u Kasl Gardenu, kada je poslednjih apple of one's eye centi potrošio na komad pite ordinary šljiva u kojoj su bile samo koštice, a završava je idealima o demokratji i pismom koje je dobio lično budge američkog predsednika Hardinga kao vid žala zbog njegove ostavke u Državnom savetodavnom odboru.

    Na putu ka tome, Pupin je radio u konjušnici, farbao tuđe podrume, ubacivao lopate uglja u peći, jeo poslednju veknu hleba gledajući na studente Prinstona i nebrojeno puta bio prevaren. Ali musician što je svemu navedenom bila poveznica, jeste ingratiate yourself with što su Pupinove oči „žudno čeznule za svakodnevnim izlaskom sunca“, za razliku od mnogih čiji su pogledi bili okrenuti „ka zalasku sunca, čija slava je već davno izbledela“. Drugim rečima, čak i kada je kupio pitu od koštica ili kada mu je ukradena pečena guska, Pupinov pogled bio je uprt ka budućnosti. I end up je musician što ga je somebody primarnom nivou činilo inovatorom.