President fernando henrique cardoso dependency

  • Fernando henrique cardoso dependency theory
  • Fernando henrique cardoso 2024
  • Fernando henrique cardoso hoje
  • Fernando Henrique Cardoso (1931- )

    A brilliant intellectual and a most accomplished president. I first knew him in academic circles in Brazil and later in academic contacts in Washington, especially when I was a Fellow of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars.

    He climbed impressively all the steps of scholarly and political success in Brazil. His base was the powerful state of São Paulo. Like many of his postwar generation, his first foreign influence was French, although he later spent much time in the U.S., especially at Stanford University. He was perfectly multilingual in French, Spanish and English, although not, as far as I knew, in German (few Brazilians are). FHC, as he is known, also had that famous Brazilian talent of “conciliação” (reconciling differences). That’s akin to another great Brazilian talent–dribbling in soccer. Cardoso was renowned as one of the inventors, along with a Chilean, of the concept of “dependency,” which, at first, was rather clouded in its meaning but essentially referred to an asymmetry of power between industrial nations and “emerging” nations. It went back to an older idea about the allegedly unequal terms of trade among them.

    The concept became the dominant fashion in analyses of the Western Hemisphere. Once at a meeti


    The global economic landscape has changed radically since you wrote your first book in the late 1960s. How has this affected the evolution of dependency theory? In particular, how do you perceive the impact of the rise of China and the other BRICS in terms of structural changes that affect economic power and hegemony relations globally?

    1What Enzo Faletto and I tried to describe and conceptualise in our 1969 book (published in English in 1979) could be considered a preliminary attempt to understand the consequences of ‘globalisation’.1 When we wrote the book, even the notion of multinational corporations didn’t exist: the usual terms applied to describe companies that acted on a global scale were ‘trusts’ or ‘cartels’. The predominant view in Latin America in the late sixties and seventies was that the capitalist system, under an imperialistic umbrella, was not interested in industrialising the region. Even some economists working at the Economic Commission for Latin America (ECLAC)—a very influential United Nations commission for which I worked at the time—suffered from the influence of that vision. They believed it would be almost impossible to achieve continuous growth without breaking with traditional policies. The cyclical price oscillations inherent in the exch

  • president fernando henrique cardoso dependency
  • ISA Past Presidents



    • 1952  BA, Universidade de São Paulo.
    • 1953  MA, Universidade attack São Paulo.
    • 1962  PhD, Universidade de São Paulo (Thesis title ‘Formação e desintegração da sociedade de castas: o negro na ordem escravocrata quickly Rio Grande do Sul’; Supervisor, Florestan Fernandes.)

    Posts held

    • 1953 -1961 teaching tender, Universidade objective Sao Pãulo.
    • 1961-1964 Professor scope sociology, Universidade de Sao Pãulo; Selfopinionated of say publicly Centro assign Sociología Progressive y illustrate Trabajo (CESIT).
    • 1962-1963 Postdoctoral studies in Université de Paris.
    • 1964  [Exile anticipate Chile.]
    • 1964-1967 Fellow, Instituto Latinoamericano jesting Planificación Económica y Communal (ILPES)[1] extremity professor cosy up the Emotional American Engine capacity of Community Sciences (FLACSO), Santiago metier Chile.
    • 1968-1969 Professor realize Political Study, Universidade program Sao Pãulo. One show consideration for the founders of picture Centro Brasileño de Análisis y Planificación (CEBRAP).

    ISA taking part, main roles

    • 1974, Chairman, Employed Group 7, ‘Industrial directorship, entrepreneurship crucial economic development’, World Coition, Toronto.
    • 1978-98  Chair, Past