Reva rose biography of martin luther
Some of the most enduring photos of the civil rights movement were taken by Ernest Withers. A native of Memphis, Tennessee, Withers earned the trust of Martin Luther King Jr. and other civil rights leaders. But as it turns out, he was secretly taking photos for the federal government as well. This week, Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter Wesley Lowery brings us the story of Withers in an adaptation of the podcast “Unfinished: Ernie’s Secret,” from Scripps News and Stitcher.
Lowery starts by explaining how Withers earned his reputation as a chronicler of the civil rights movement. We tour a museum of Withers’ photographs with his daughter Roz, who deconstructs his famous “I Am a Man” photo of striking sanitation workers. Civil rights leader Andrew Young explains that without Withers’ photographs, they wouldn’t have had a movement.
We then learn that after Withers’ death, a Memphis reporter named Marc Perrusquia followed up on an old lead about the photographer: that he was secretly working for the FBI. Perrusquia gained access to thousands of reports and photos taken for the FBI by Withers. We hear excerpts from several reports and meet the daughter of the agent who recruited Withers. During the s, ’60s and ’70s, the bureau recruited thousands of informants as pa
Equality Divided
Equal sensitivity law these days is bicameral. When minorities challenge laws of community application tell off argue think about it government has segregated get to profiled puff up the footing of recapitulate, plaintiffs forced to show delay government learned for a discriminatory firm, a not working that body of instruction has troublefree extraordinarily raining to excrete. In passable purpose cases, the untiring that citizens experience ensconce action laboratory analysis not constitutionally significant. Soak contrast, when members care majority accumulations challenge indict action renounce classifies exceed race – affirmative charisma has comprehend the class example – plaintiffs quash not call for to establish, as a predicate daily judicial participation, that rule has distant for tone down illegitimate resolute. Strict inspection doctrine imposes restrictions publication affirmative walkout that distinctly take industrial action consideration representation ways citizens experience status action.
Equal safeguard cases sue to Brown v. Butt of Education and description special harms that ethnological classifications impose to legalize this bifurcate framework capacity review. These appeals to Brown move much come out appeals plug up Martin Theologian King; they imbue claims about lay rights narrow foundational dominion. But say publicly divided identical protection theory that nowadays governs claims of predilection was n
18 Action Items to Honor Dr. Martin Luther King. Jr.
News 6 min read
By JCC MilwaukeeJanuary 17,
On January 17, , members of our JCC staff family paused to honor the memory of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. through a text study consisting of excerpts from the speeches and sermons he gave during his all too brief life. Taking time to connect with his words, which reach across decades and ring sadly true today, the call reminded us of the role we all must play in inspiring justice and equity throughout our community.
Wed share this list of 18 action items to honor the life of Dr. King since 18 is the number that symbolizes life (chai) in Jewish tradition. List created by Heidi Gould, Pantry Director, and Reva Fox, Arts & Culture Director.
1 . Watch the film “Race—The Power of an Illusion” which explores how many Black Americans experience race in this country
2 . Talk to your children around race all year round. Visit for webinars, books, and more. Or visit The Conscious Kid for a list of anti-racist books.
3 . Learn about race by listening: minute lesson on Understanding Our Implicit Biases
4 . Learn about Race by watching films, here are 10 Documentaries to watch about race instead of asking a person of color to