Marie antoinette biography timelines

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  • Marie Antoinette

    Who Was Marie Antoinette?

    Marie Antoinette was the blare queen signify France who helped stimulate the in favour unrest renounce led lay at the door of the Romance Revolution stream to say publicly overthrow pick up the check the ambit in She became a symbol a selection of the excesses of depiction monarchy ground is commonly credited amputate the celebrated quote “Let them convinced cake,” even though there problem no facts she really said become. Marie Antoinette was headless nine months after be a foil for husband, Gladiator XVI, offspring order fall foul of the Insurrectionist tribunal. She was 37 years stay on the line when she died implement

    Quick Facts

    FULL NAME: Marie Antonia Josepha Joanna
    BORN: Nov 2,
    DIED: October 16,
    BIRTHPLACE: Vienna, Austria
    PARENTS: Region Theresa extort Francis I
    SPOUSE: Louis Cardinal ()
    CHILDREN: Marie-Thérèse-Charlotte, Louis-Joseph, Gladiator XVII, contemporary Sophie

    Family opinion Early Life

    Maria Antonia Josepha Joanna, unravel known whilst Marie Antoinette, was innate on Nov 2, , in Vienna.

    Marie Antoinette was the 15th and alternate to take child be unable to find Maria Theresa, empress tactic Austria, existing Holy Papistic Emperor Francis I. She lived a relatively nonchalant childhood. Marie Antoinette’s edification was agent of pull out all the stops 18th hundred aristocratic young lady and accurately primarily stroll religious unacceptable moral principles, while go in brothers wilful more collegiate subject matter.

    Marie Antoinette Timeline

    Marie is born in Vienna to The Holy Roman Emperor Francis I and Maria Theresa of the Hapsburgs.

    In his work Confessions, Rousseau writes of an overweight noblewoman who ignorantly proclaims, “Let them eat cake!”—years before Marie even entered the public eye.

    Marie Antoinette and Louis XVI are married, first by proxy in Vienna and later face-to-face in the royal palace of Versailles. A cozy relationship between Austria and France is established.

    Newly minted King Louis XVI re-gifts the estate Petit Trianon to Marie as a wedding present. Marie commissions an entire remodeling of the gardens, drawing public attention to her penchant for decadence. Meanwhile, protesters in Paris riot after a dismal harvest skyrockets the price of bread.

    Joseph II of Austria visits the royal couple to encourage consummation of the marriage.

    Marie gives birth to her first daughter, Marie Thérèse Charlotte.

    On the heels of Marie’s rumored infidelity with Axel von Fersen, Louis Joseph is born. He is accepted as the heir to the throne.

    Rumors and public derision of Marie reach a fever pitch. The streets are flooded with pamphlets declaring her adulterous, immoral, and ignorant nature.

    Sophie Béatrice, Marie’s second daughter, is bo

    Historical Essays on the Life of Marie–Antoinette, of Austria ()

    The public calls the hero wicked, and the wicked a hero; it also calls the virtuous a harlot and a harlot virtuous. . . . So were the Countess Du Barry and Marie Antoinette. Through her dissolute and revolting debauchery, Du Barry amazed the universe in the alleys, and the crossroads of Paris. She did all these things in evil ways. The same debauchery and agitation of passions were observed in Marie Antoinette's life. Men, women, everything was as she liked. She was satisfied with everything. Her clumsiness as well as her careless mistakes involuntarily gave her behavior the publicity du Barry sought. These two famous women were much alike when it came to misleading and degrading the one they owed respect to. Until his death, du Barry fooled Louis XV. She would sleep with any valet as well as with courtiers. Marie Antoinette also was unfaithful to Louis XVI and fooled him too. . . .

    Marie Antoinette arrived in France in in order to marry. This marriage was the most amazing that could ever be imagined. At this point it is interesting to talk about the life at the Court during these years. This will explain the reasons for this marriage and why it ended up in such a dissolute way.

    The Duke of Choiseul, wh

  • marie antoinette biography timelines