Nokuzola mndende biography of william
Address to Summit and Leadership Conference,
Seoul, Korea, August ,
Today in our countries, every inhabited space is chaotic. Both the political and spiritual leaders appear to be running out of options. No one is safe anywhere, be it at home, work, school, spiritual gathering, public space, police stations, or military camps – it is the same. Human life is destroyed in many ways, whether it is by natural disasters, wars, pandemics, human trafficking, drugs, gender-based violence, femicide, and rape of women and children.
One may ask, what role should religion play in bringing back sanity to the people to find ways to live peacefully with one another and with nature? The actual question is what role should religious and spiritual leaders play in bringing back sanity in the world? This question is very loaded and before the leaders in question here can speak with one voice, a lot needs to be done. No solution can be reached without honestly exposing the causal factors and then engaging with possible solutions to bring unity to the continent.
Some of the critical areas that lead to these violent inhumane activities that we experience today in our continent are because of the holier than thou attitude of many groups over others, corruption, selfishness cause
Theologising the depths of African sacredness -Camagu! Unmasking the authenticity of African spirituality: Profiling Professor Nokuzola Mndende
Theologising the depths of African sacredness – Camagu! Unmasking the authenticity of African spirituality: Profiling Professor Nokuzola Mndende Zamantshali Dlamini AKA Zama Dlamini holds a PhD in the Gender and Religion Programme at the University of KwaZulu-Natal in the School of Religion, Philosophy and Classics. Her research interest lies at the intersection of culture, religion and gender constructions. She works for uJamaa Centre as an Assistant Researcher and Public Theology Programme Coordinator. She is an emerging scholar in the field. Email: DlaminiN30@, i@ Abstract Nokuzola Mndende is an African indigenous researcher, a culturalist icon par excellence, whose famous work amplifies African indigenous religion, which has been for years trivialised and inferiorised. Colonisers, through colonial reforms, policies and systems, enforced an identity, a way of being and believing according to the Western notions - Christianity. Against this background of Christian fundamentalism as a footprint, a way of life moulded the faith lives of African women and men. This chapter seeks to survey her phenomenal contribution to Liberation Theo