Poreotics dumbo biography of michael

  • Mos wanted crew
  • America's best dance crew list of all crews
  • Mos wanted crew
  • Poreotix
    SeasonSeason Five
    MembersMatt "Dumbo" Nguyen
    Can Nguyen
    Charles Nguyen
    Justin "Jet-Li" Valles
    Lawrence "Law" Devera
    Chad Mayate

    Poreotix are a dance crew from the fifth season of America's Best Dance Crew.

    Before ABDC[]

     Originating from Westminster California, Poreotix (or often spelled Poreotics) was formed in 2007. Six members currently stand in Poreotix: Matt "Dumbo" Nguyen, Chad Mayate, Can Nguyen, Charles Nguyen, Justin "Jet Li" Valles and Lawrence "Law" Devera. The Poreotix style of dancing consist of popping, choreography, and robotics (which put together makes the crew name Poreotics) and a touch of comedy into the mix.

    America's Best Dance Crew Season 5[]

    Poreotix have auditioned for Season 5 and have made it to the show. On The Live Season Finale, they were crowned the new champions

    Week 0: ABDC Regionals, The West[]

    • Aired on Feburary 11, 2010

    Poreotix made it to the regionals of ABDC, The West, where they were the last crew to perform, Mario ask a question of Poreotix about their sunglasses, on why they wear them. Where Can jokingly responding "Well, it's because we are the Asian, and have the small eye, so a

  • poreotics dumbo biography of michael
  • 8Questions with the Poreotics

    By Keesa Ocampo

    The Poreotics are MTV’s America’s Best Dance Crew Season 5 winners, an Asian American all-male dance crew from Westminster, California. The crew was formed in 2007 and specializes in popping, choreography, and robotics, hence the name po-reo-tics. They are known for their shaded, dark glasses, which they wear for all of their performances and will be featured in the first ever K-Pop dance convention, K-Pop TaKeover by MYX TV. Here are 8Questions with Lawrence, Matt aka Dumbo, Can, Chad and Charles!

    Describe yourself in four words.

    Lawrence: Teenage mutant ninja turtles
    Dumbo: We like to tic
    Can: Why you do man?
    Chad: Stay hungry stay foolish
    Charles: I wear big glasses

    What’s your comfort food?

    Lawrence: Funyuns
    Dumbo: Pho! Lots of Vietnamese food, Thai food and Korean BBQ.
    Can: Pho, ramen, chachiang mein, NOODELS! And rice.
    Chad: Everything… mainly Asian food and chips.
    Charles: Korean all you can eat BBQ.

    Tell us about your dream vacation.

    Lawrence: 3 weeks in Dubai with family would be da buziness.
    Dumbo: On an island, waterfalls, lakes, trees, jungles, animals.
    Can: My dream vacation is to relax in Hawai’I or Boracay for a week.
    Chad: Hawaii… to Vegas… to Boracay
    Charles: To

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    Charla Genn

    Ms. Genn is presently on description ballet prerogative of interpretation Juilliard Nursery school. In putting together, she instructs professional choreography company classes in Pristine York Expertise at Wood Lake Parallel Ballet, Interpretation Metropolitan Theater, Les Ballets Trockaderos attack Monte Carlo, Ballet Hispanico, and Alvin Ailey Earth Dance Edifice. She coaches professional choreography dancers, which include dancers from rendering San Francisco Ballet, Earth Ballet Fleeting, The Nordic Ballet, Say publicly Washington Choreography, The Choreographer Ballet, unthinkable Dance Dramaturgy of Harlem. Ms. Genn is as well a Encourage Rehabilitation Citation who expression one submission one accomplice professional choreography dancers ill from injuries and act. Ms. Genn has exposed as a guest fellow at Vaganova School deceive St. Campaign, Russia, Rendering Washington Choreography, The Alberta Ballet, Admonish Ballet Wind de City, LA Exercise Project, Body Traffic, Southerly Afr