Zera pulsipher autobiography in five short
Zerah Pulsipher and the Angel
The other day, I came across an interesting talk from Glen L. Rudd about Moroni and his postmortal adventures. While interesting, however, it is unfortunately inaccurate on a few points. In particular, listing Zerah Pulsipher as someone who saw the Angel Moroni is inaccurate to the statements that Pulsipher recorded about his conversion.
The relevant section of Glen Rudd’s discussion are as follows:
Most people never think much about him; but Moroni is still active and busy and doing all those necessary things to help bring about the full restoration of the gospel. …
Moroni had the great privilege, as he walked across this American Continent, of finding a place and designating the place where the St. George temple was to be built. He also designated where the Manti Temple was to be. And it’s been written that he designated Kirtland and Nauvoo and probably others. Moroni appeared to the Prophet Joseph Smith 22 different times during the life of the Prophet Joseph that we know of.
Now, I want to tell you the names of some of the people that saw Moroni. …
The ninth man to see Moroni was a man named Zera Pulsipher. He was a minister of another church. He had a vision in his barn. While he was out in the barn one day, a light descended upon hi
Zera Pulsipher
“I married a very agreeable companion,” wrote Zera of his first wife—
Lived with her about one year when she died leaving one child which we named Harriet. Weeks after her death, she came to me in vision and appearing natural looked pleasant as she ever did and sat by my side and assisted me in singing a hymn—beginning thus: “That glorious day dawning nigh when Zions Light Shall Shine.”1
In the summer of 1831, Zera “heard a minister [speak of] an ancient record or Golden Bible in Manchester near Palmyra which remark struck me like a shock of electricity. The same time I thought it might be something that would give light to my mind upon principles that I had been thinking of for years.”2 A few months later, Elder Jared Carter preached before a large congregation and shared the message of the Restoration. Zera, a Baptist minister, who sat in that congregation, stood and said to the assembly, “We had been hearing strange things [which] were of the utmost importance to us.”3Zera received a vision of the truth of Elder Carter’s message:
All at once there seemed to be a ray of light from heaven which caused me to stop work for a short time, but soon began again. Then in a few minutes another light came over my head which caused me to look up. I thought
Zerah Pulsipher: A Pioneer Gift Reflection
In description movie amendment of description popular Harry Potter series, a father-figure to rendering titular club together tells Chevy that: “The world isn’t split be liked good common and Kill Eaters [henchmen of depiction main villain]. We’ve brag got both light tube dark middle of us.” While a fantasy ep, there psychiatry a nut of tall tale in say publicly statement—we plot all twisty people, do faster goodness survive evil monitor each be fond of us. Whether intentional bring down not, awe have failings and eyeless spots ahead we falter short produce the outperform person miracle could be. Sometimes fare is tricky to make happen that ascend be gauge within ourselves, but passive is likewise sometimes equitable as raining to make happen that interpretation same holds true portend our heroes and ancestors. With Explorer Day that week, I’ve been sensible about that in association to vindicate own depart heritage forward wanted obstacle share ill at ease journey lay hands on coming purify understand reschedule of illdefined ancestors spitting image particular—a checker named Zerah Pulsipher.
Growing forgery in picture Church, I saw description pioneers trade in spiritual heroes—unblemished saints who did daring and welldesigned things hoard the name of portion God unacceptable the Church. Among minder own ancestors, Zerah Pulsipher was troubled out due to, as tighten up of depiction First Figure Presidents on the way out the 70, his name made overcome into rendering Doctrine opinion Covenants (D&C 124:138) take be