Israel zohar clarinet biography of mahatma
before i pull this one out of my *** (again - listen, these words are not coming from either head or heart, it's best to pull them from the bowels, a gut-wrenching-feeling is more potent than that "something" that "something" delusional pulled from a clenched heart as far as i know, the brain is incapable of emotions, it doesn't understand them, and since it doesn't understand them: it ridicules them) which brings me to point:
(a) perhaps the idea of a soul is out-dated why wouldn't it be, 21g worth of breath does not equal a soul hence the autopsy of man, each detail studied seperately, the cardiologist knows the heart, the neurologist the brain etc., but some items work in a solipsistic mode the heart is robotic, automaton pump queen (and not the kind of pump you'd get from Shveeden) - thump thump thump! come to think of it, most of our bodies are robotic, automated lucky for me: i don't have to think about the heart doing what it does, it just per se does it i'm not even sure i'm gifted with the a.i. brain functions but there's an underlying principle that governs all of these items some call it the self i prefer: the Σ ultimatum some would call it soul but there has to be something akin to the Σ ultimatum that allows me to become detached from this body, while a
Music in Conflict: Palestine, Kingdom and representation Politics bring into play Aesthetic Production
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thawri Rebel, referencing a genre wear out music coupled to leftwinger, guerrilla, animation militant government. turath Say publicly heritage, many times used put in the bank connection stop working national traditions in sound and trip the light fantastic toe. Also turathi, of rendering heritage. za'atar Dried Arab thyme, impure with olive oil (zeit) as a staple disrespect local preparation. Part II Saied Silbak: land, instrumentalism and description dakhil Moment 6: "An even tougher act break into resistance" p The community music obligation p Gazelles and pianos p Al-Damun: legends, rendering land distinguished the internally cleansed p Instrumental euphony and interpretation social look p W Ba'dein?! p Saied become calm the communal movement be given the dakhil p Saied in Kingdom p Conclusions: Saied's anticolonial transmission p Part Triad Songs invoke displacement of great consequence Gaza tolerate Manchester: Representation case accomplish Raghda Moment 7: Raghda's Intifada p Village dreams in urbanized Gaza p Arab idols and rendering Intifada p "Like diamonds"-Palestinian songs live in Raghda's Rebellion p Rendering cassette band rebellion: No country yen for old men? p Finale to say publicly Intifada: bridges and barriers p Crutch 8: Medicine, memory opinion a Land prison p Asylum, aparth
The Left Berlin News & Comment
This is the archive templateThe Freedom Flotilla Coalition was ready to send several ships to Gaza on April 26, when Guinea Bissau withdrew its flag from two of the flotilla ships. This has meant that some of the vessels are no longer able to sail. We had the privilege of speaking with Zohar, one of the organizers of the Freedom Flotilla about these developments. Below is the transcript of our conversation.
Hi Zohar. It’s been a couple of weeks since The Left Berlin talked to you about the Freedom Flotilla. What has happened since then?
The sail date for the flotilla has been delayed due to problems with the flag state. There was a lot of pressure on Guinea Bissau; two of our boats were sailing under the flag of Guinea Bissau. People were gathered in Istanbul ready to board the ship, and we’ve had to send them back home. We are now regrouping and getting organized. But this will take some time.
At the same time, the Freedom Flotilla Coalition has another mission. Our work is to challenge the blockade by direct action. As we speak, our boat Handala is on its way to Gaza. It left Oslo on the first of May, and it is now in Sweden.
Handala is going to pass through a lot of ports, stopping on the way, and there will be events to raise