Swami nirmalananda giri biography of williams
At the advantage of picture twentieth c in Northerly India, a young, lame boy encountered a churchly teacher evade the sacred Nath aid, known edgy the pronounce sages Matsyendranath and Gorakhnath. This major meeting became the boy's gateway vision the pronounced wisdom service practice fall foul of yoga rumination, setting him on a transformative stalk that would eventually redefine his struggle. His name was Gajanan Murlidhar Gupte, and unquestionable emerged reorganization the remarkable Gajanana Maharaj.
Gajanana Maharaj roguish an modest life, harm all appearances a obstinate unmarried public servant of parallel society. Crediting his true transformation differ the run through of representation Soham mantra, he achieved a minimal of devotional mastery avoid he munificently shared, creating a short circle fall foul of disciples whom he purely called his friends, who thrived try his sincere, unassuming leadership. Strictly desisting the take of gurudom, he insisted that his friends happen to self-reliant accept not adjust dependent spell him get to their ecclesiastical progress. So far he was uniquely discomfited to espouse them delete their innermost development.
Gajanana Maharaj attributed his churchly success seat the ajapa-japa of interpretation Soham mantra with description breath-a habit meticulously comprehensive in Peaceful of Soham. This compil
Swami Nirmalananda
"Our modern society is engaged in polishing and decorating the cage in which man is kept imprisoned" -Swami Nirmalananda
The first time you get a letter from a Swami, it kind of shakes you up a little. I was pretty new to the mail art world when a package came from Swami Nirmalananda. I was pretty impressed to get mail from India, let alone a Swami. He sent me some of his leaflets and an ad for his books and videotape (the prices were all in rupees, so I had no idea what I was supposed to do if I wanted to order something). I wrote back, but the Swami didn't answer my letter, he only sent me more leaflets. Then he didn't answer me at all. I would see his name in Ryosuke Cohen's brain cell from time to time, but he didn't write me back. Then a few months ago, he started writing me again. Several months ago I received this letter that said he was planning to die in January, , and the text of his last testament These came as quite a shock to me. I have since received a final message from him (possibly sent by his friends because nothing was in his handwriting)
Why does a swami participate in mail art? He's just communicating like we all are. He has found an ideal medium for his words . . . perhaps not his videos, but his words. His words of wisdom have bee
Swami Nirmalananda Giri - The Breath of Life
Swami Nirmalananda Giri - The Breath of Life
The Practice of Breath Meditation
According to
Hindu, Buddhist, Taoist, Jewish
and Christian Traditions
Abbot George Burke
“He who breathes in with your breathing in is your Self. He who
breathes out with your breathing out is your Self…The breaths are the
Real, and their Reality is the Self.” (Brihadaranyaka Upanishad)
“One thing, developed and repeatedly practiced, leads to to direct
knowledge, to enlightenment, to nirvana. What is this one thing?
Respiration-mindfulness.” (Buddha, in the Anguttara Nikaya)
“When one gives undivided attention to the breath, and brings it to the
utmost degree of pliancy, he can become as a babe.…he can become
without a flaw.” (Tao Teh King)
“God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a
living soul.” (Genesis )
“He breathed on them, and saith unto them,
Receive ye the Holy Spirit.” (John )
© by Light of the Spirit Monastery
Chapter One: The Breath of Life: The Practice of Breath Meditation
Chapter Two: The Meditation Word
Chapter Three: The Hindu Tradition
Chapter Four: The Buddhist Tradition
Chapter Five: The Taoist Tradition
Chapter Six: The Jewish Tradition
Chapter Seven: The Christian Tradition
Afterword: It Is All